Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Zomie, Run! 5K: Week 6

Week 6 Work Out:
5 minute walk
10 minute free form running
10 half squats

2 cycles of:
30 seconds stretching
10 half squants

5 minutes fast walk
7 minute free form run

2 cycles of:
2 minute stretching/walk
7 minute free form run

W6D1: This weeks workout seemed a little more complicated with all the different cycles and stretches. I'll start off with being honest. I didn't do the squats. I get that they are to help strengthen your legs, but my pride just wouldn't let me do squats out in the middle of our neighborhood. I did do some knee and heel lifts during those times, though. I had intentions of doing the squats once I got in the privacy of my own home, but never actually got around to it. As far as the run goes... it was my third difficult run in a row. Mentally, I struggled big time. Physically, it was hot and my legs felt heavy. But, I finished and I ran all the free form runs (31 minutes worth). And that's my focus now--endurance. I'll have a few weeks to work on my pace and speed once I'm done the 5K training program.

Distance:  2.98 mi   Duration:  51:02 mins   Avg Speed: 3.5/mph   Avg Pace: 17:08 min/mi

W6D2: I struggled before this run. I had taken a nap, got up and changed into my running clothes, and then sat on the couch and whined about not wanting to go out. Thankfully, my husband gently pushed me to get my butt out the door. I'm glad because it was my first good feeling run in over a week and I needed that! The weather was perfect and my legs felt great. My speed/pace was even up a little bit!

Distance:  3.05 mi   Duration:  50:18 mins   Avg Speed: 3.63/mph   Avg Pace: 16:31 min/mi

W6D3: I started off feeling pretty strong. It was a hot day and it felt (for lack of a better term) pollen-y. It was probably all in my head, but it was like I could feel all the pollen I was breathing in. So far, the allergy meds I started taking as soon as I noticed trees starting to blossom has been doing its job, though. Things were going pretty well until the last 7 minute free form run. For the first time in weeks, I had to walk for part of a free form run. Ugh. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is sore and weak muscles, which I've been dealing with. This week, the pain has been in my back. So during that last run, my legs felt okay, wasn't totally out of breath, and feeling mostly okay other than severe back pain! So I walked for about a minute, maybe a little more, of that last run, but at that point, I just wanted to make it home!!

  Distance:  2.92 mi   Duration: 49:52 mins   Avg Speed: 3.51/mph   Avg Pace: 17:05 min/mi

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